Working with the good
At Skadia Tech we work with progressive fishing companies to improve sustainability. These companies know that long-term sustainability and profitability go hand in hand. This is a privilege and we are proud to work with them.
Fishing out of sight
This contrasts with some disturbing stories coming from the open ocean beyond any nation’s 200-mile Economic Zone. The Guardian has uncovered some alarming illegal fishing operations on the open ocean.
The vast areas of the open ocean are impossible for Regional Fisheries Management Organisations to police. They are out of sight and are suffering through the tragedy of the commons. Migratory ocean hunters like tuna are being taken in huge numbers, and much of the take is untallied and unseen. Endangered species are being slaughtered along the way.
This story tells of a whale shark equipped with satellite tracker that mysteriously accelerates to 7 knots in the hours before its death. Whale sharks swim very slowly, 7 knots is the speed of a fishing boat. It also tells of the fishing going on out of sight on the open ocean that doesn’t get recorded by Fisheries Management Organisations. This is known as illegal, unreported or unregulated fishing and we need to do what we can to stop it. It has an impact on those fishers who are doing the right thing by applying expertise and the best technology to fish sustainably for the long term.

The Solution
The most effective way we can stop this is to ensure that every fish we eat comes from a proven sustainable fishery. By doing that we will support fishing companies that take the long-term view and are fishing sustainably. Join Skadia Tech and work with progressive fishing companies to improve sustainability.
Link to story on the open ocean slaughter:
Link to seafood shopping guides: